

To foster the development and confidence of children in the community to make them stronger leaders for the future.

About Us!

Wilson Area Children's Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit foundation that supports the children in Wilson County. Signature programs include holiday food delivery, back-to-school clothing shopping, and many more. 

WACF was created over 20 years ago by Sonia and Louis Rosenberg when they saw the need in their community.


Wilson Area Children's Foundation, formally Wilson Area Housing Foundation, was created in 2000 by Sonia and Louis Rosenberg. They saw a need in the community for safe housing in the community after helping a family who did not have a home. They built that family a home and thus, an idea was formed. They wanted to be able to help other families with housing help. 

Since then, the foundation has focused on helping the children of the community, and in 2017, they changed their foundation to benefit the children of the community.

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